At this time there are thirteen members of the Web Tv Help Center Committee, and we would all like to extend the warmest of welcomes to you.
Among other things, the Web Tv Committee members will be providing assistance to LOTH sisters to learn how to do more things with their Web Tv units, so we thought it would be nice if we each introduced ourselves to you. These aren't fancy bio's just a little something about ourselves to make you feel like you know us all a little bit better. We will all be working together as a group to help you with any Web Tv problems you have. So on with the introductions!
~~Chairwoman~~ Hello, my name is Jerrye and I am so happy and honored to be the Chairwoman of this Committee. I was born and raised in the mountains of North Carolina, close to my family's roots in the Great Smoky Mountains. My ancestry is Native American, Scots-Irish and German, somehow explaining why I am also known as Palefawn and Jeremia. While growing up there, I heard a lot of folklore, learned to do many handcrafts, came to love animals and nature and gained an appreciation for art in all forms. I live in St. Petersburg, Florida with my husband of 25 years, Louis. My wonderful son and lovely daughter are now grown, and I maintain a fantastic relationship with them both. Louis and I do have two fur babies, Bud and Rosie, our precious cats. After working all my life I retired in 1990 because of health problems and I don't get out much anymore. But in spite of this I maintain a strong spiritual conviction and continue with my love of poetry, art, crafting, reading, researching genealogy and cooking, among other things. Now through the use of WEB TV and a computer a whole new world on the internet has been opened up to me. I hope through my work to share a little something of that world and mine with you.
I have been a member of LOTH for about a year and have come to know several of our Sisters and hope to know even more. Never have I known such a loving and caring group of Ladies. My goal for the Committee is to make all of our lives richer by reaching out to all of our Sisters. We were recently asked a question about what LOTH has meant to us. I believe that I can answer that question best by saying that "LOTH is in my heart and it will stay forever, because of YOU". I will always strive to be an asset to this wonderful group of ladies who are Our Sisters. |
~~Co-Chairwoman~~ Hi, my name is Margaret, also known to some as the Briarpatchlady and to others as Firewoman. I have not been a member of LOTH for very long, but in the time I have been I have been completely overwhelmed with the love and caring you all seem to exhibit. I really am glad to be a part of such a wonderful and caring group of ladies. Having only a brother, I many times dreamed what it would be like to have a sister and now I know because I have many. As some of you may know I am Jerrye's daughter and in many ways I am just like her. I would not even begin to try to tell you all about myself because it would take at least 5 whole webpages, but I will skim the surface. I have lived in Virginia since 1974 where I married. I never was able to have children so I have a zoo. My furrbabies are my children and one of the most important things in my life. My husband passed away in 1995 but I have a wonderful man in my life named James. I am no longer able to work because of chronic health problems, so to occupy my time I have become glued to my computer. There is much I still have to learn as I have only had my computer since January. Prior to that I had a Web Tv unit which I still use some today. The things I love are God, my family (including my furrbabies of course!), my computer, my doctor for helping to keep me alive, anything country, reading, music, playing pool, cheescake, icecream and of course my moms fried chicken. I also love to learn anything new. I have always been an outdoors person very into nature and Mother Earth. I am currently on a quest to find my ancestors. Well that about does it, if I tell you anything else
I love we will definately be on page two. Come visit me and mom at . So I will bid you adieu for now
and hope you stay well, happy and keep learning all you can.
~~Committee Member~~ My name is Sue..... aka ~Rexy on the internet. I have had my webtv for two years now and since first getting it and discovering the wonders of surfing the internet I have purchased a computer. Now I am addicted to graphics and backgrounds and designing web pages: from my pc; and surfing the net from the comfort of my old blue rocker, emailing and and posting in several alt.discuss newsgroups, and interviewing and writing articles about webtvers for Net4TV Voice with my beloved webtv. I am a 48 year old widow, my husband died 10 years ago at the age of 39. My two children, the loves and priorities of my life have somehow grown into young adults.... My daughter is 21 and a senior on scholarship at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. My son who is almost 20 barely made through high school and is a hard working stock manager for a popular grocery store... I have lived in Naples, Fl, since 1972, and just turned in my worn out waitress uniform for an exciting assistant managerial position at a wonderful new Mexican American Restaurant. It keeps me busy and out of trouble. I live minutes from one of the most beautiful Gulf Beaches and love Sunsets and can often be found photographing the beauty of a day drifting into night....
~~Committee Member~~ Hi, my name is Linda aka Halima and Stormspirit. I live in Washington State with my wonderful husband of 26 years. I have a grown daughter and son and two wonderful grandchildren. I also have two furballs name Tigger and Mitzi. Both kitties are the joy and sometimes agony of my life. Tigger is 13 years old and Mitzi is 5. Because of health problems I am now retired from work. I enjoy reading, sewing, fishing, cooking and learning anything I can about everything. I used to own a costume business and still love to work on those projects when I can. I am orignially from Arkansas and am Indian, Irish and French. I am a very spiritual person and believe that love and kindness can heal many wounds. I write poetry and hope to publish a book of healing poetry one day. I know I still have a lot to learn about webtv, but am more than happy to share what knowledge I have with you and look forward to meeting all of you through our endeavors.Visit me at
~~Committee Member~~ My name is Joanne and I live in Ohio with my husband and 2 children, and 2 cute little furballs. I like gardening, crotcheting, and reading(mysteries)...I am fascinated by faeries, and have a website about them. Visit me at- . I have been using webtv for 1 year now and I still have alot to I'll help in anyway I can *S* I'm trying to learn how to use a computer, it's so confusing..LOL.... |
~~Committee Member~~ My name is Stacey I am 28 years old. I have two sons that are 9 and 5.....I like unicorns, yellow roses, and love the color purple...I love to read, I like V.C. Andrews.....I am an animal lover I have 2 rottweilers and a blue conure parrot and they are all family....I work at NASA and I totally love my job.... |
~~Committee Member~~ My name is Callie, I live in a small town outside Jackson, Mississippi. I share my home with my Significant other and 2 very playful cats. I am a devout CAT lover...if I could I'd have a house full but am afraid of being called that wierd "CAT LADY"...LOL...(every town has one) *S*...I am a manager trainee for a pizza chain and work 14 hour days. And geez is it ever cutting into my web time.. *G*...I love to read, cook, and spend time playing with the CATS...and of course the WEB....My days are full but I love helping others. Callie =^..^=
~~Committee Member~~ my name is Jewleelyn Plewinski. I am 35 married to a wonderful guy named Gene. I have two teenage girls...Amanda 17 and Brittany 13. I live in the U.P. of Michigan. Wow stuff I do in my spare time...what is that? LOL Just kidding. I do crafting of all kinds. I love to cook. I spend alot of time on the web as a member of RAOK. I like creating pages. I have been on web since March. And have made alot of pages for my site. I enjoy chatting with all my friends in Michigan chat. Have been helping alot of them with their web pages and e-mails. I love helping people. So anything you need from me just give a holler. Oh by the I have one cat named Scratches. Altho i should call her Okay I hope this is what you were looking for. In love and light, Jewleelyn Oh and here is my site if you would like to take a peek. |
~~Committee Member~~ Hi, my name is Judy Collins. I live in Spartanburg,SC. I have two grown son's and two wonderful grandson's. I have a little daughter,"Pebbles", my little dog. I call her my daughter, because I always wanted a daughter and she thinks she is human. I am married and a homemaker. I live in the country and love the peace and quite. I like to be known as a country granny, because the person I admire the most and has influenced my life is my grandmother,"Muggie". She was a true country grandmother. If there ever was an angel on earth, it was her. She loved everyone and never had a bad thing to say about anyone. I want to be just like her. Things I love are GOD, my family,helping people,making them smile,making someone happy,LOTH sisters,WebTV,turnip greens,chow-chow, and cornbread...UM!, and Coco Pebbles. Well, I guess that's all, folks. |
~~Committee Member~~ My name is Patti Salamone, I live in Boca Raton (palm bch cnty) work for Bell South in Ft. Lauderdale as a service representative, have been working for bs for over seven yrs. I am married to a gentle giant his name is Mike, he is a chef. We have three children, two boys or I should say men, Joseph who is 28, and Kevin who will turn 26 on 09/20, they both live and work in New York, they are wonderful human beings, intelligent and good sons we love them very much. We also have a daughter Melissa Ann, she will be 21 on 09/30 lives at home and is a full time student at Florida Atlantic University here in Boca Raton, she is a senior doing a Dual major in bussiness(marketing and internation) and a minor in languages,beside english she speaks ,spanish , italian, and japanese, and works a part time job, helps out with the youth group at sunday service, loves her famly very much especially her big brothers and the feeling is vise-versa. We are very proud of all three of our children and we thank God they turned out to be decent caring,people. Now in my spare time, which there is not too much of, I love to hit the Malls with Mike believe it or not he loves to shop, including food shopping(eat your hearts out ladies) I enjoy reading James Joyce is my favorite, of course the internet is right up at the top of my list, am still working on my first web page(just in case you want to visit) I write poetry, and stories, you can see some of my work on my web page, I signed a contract with Blue Mountain Cards for publishing one of my poems, first time and I am quite happy about that, do not what date it will be published though, they will let me know.I also love to collect sea shells, and have tons of them, of course our family up north is a big part of our lives, and we love to try different recipes' and different food so far I like everything except sushi. We attend First Asembly of God congregation. That's about it I guess, oh and I like to catch a couple of hours sleep in there some where hehehehehehehehehe...... looking forward to working with my sisters at LOTH. (((((Hugs))))))
~~Committee Member~~ Well, I will start with the BIO first. I am 37, but very soon to be 38, (15th of Sept). I have been in the Army for the last six years, but by the 26th of September, I will be out of the army. Right now, I am, for all intents and purposes, out of the army, because I don't have to go back to work. I began making webpages because my son had been killed by a drunk driver and I wanted to get a memorial on line and allow others the chance to get to know my son . First I used an editor, but thanks to I have learned HTML and it was SO easy...I encourage anyone who has the time, to go there. I am a CL for Geocities and I work in HotSprings and Rodeo Drive. In RD, I am also a co-liaison and mentor, which I enjoy also. Being in the army, it has been pretty hard to spread myself so thin, but I think it will be a little easier now. I write articles for LOTH WOTW and I edit a newsletter for pagecrazy...I am fairly computer literate and have learned quite a bit about graphics, but I will never know enough. I hope to be able to help anyone that needs it...Oh yeah, I have been told by my friends that I am TOO good at proofreading (I think I get on their nerves!). The time I have, will come and go...all I can say is what ever you send me, will get done as soon as possible. As things happen, I will keep in touch. (new project) I want to educate others to the damage that abandoning pets can do to everyone. |
~~Committee Member~~ Hello, My name is Linda and I am also known as Tigerbelle. I am married with 3 grown sons and 3 grandchildren, one of which lives with my husband and I. We do competion BBQ contests and are in the process of starting a retirement business. I live in the Kansas City area and work at a local University in my area. I do alot of work with adult military students who are trying to complete their degrees. I have two dogs, Bo and Bandit and if my grand-daughter has her way we will be having a kitten soon. I have been on my WebTV Plus since Dec. 1998, and have been a member of several WebTV discussion groups. I hope I can be of some help.
Well, there you have it ladies! We hope you all feel like you
know us a little bit better and that you will
be comfortable working with any of us that should happen to help you.
And remember, if there are any of you that might want to join
our committee, we are still looking for members.
Now that you have met us all we hope that you will spend a
little time looking over the next few pages and see if there is
any way we can help you. Suggestions for topics to be covered
are always welcome. Just drop us an e-mail for a topic you would
like to see covered and we'll do our best to put it on the site
and give you credit for suggesting it. Now on to the pages!